About ART-I

Mainstream narratives in the media about AI tend to the extreme, whether dystopian or utopian. This project has two aims. First, to move beyond these extremist narratives by exploring and understanding the stories that artists themselves are telling about AI, and what values underpin these narratives. Second, to use these stories and values to create works of art that engage the general public in diverse reflections about AI and its impact, both on creative communities and artistic notions such as authenticity and creativity.

Our mission

ARTifical Intelligence seeks to diversify the discourse on AI by collaborating with creative communities and artists to explore both positive and negative AI narratives. Our goal is to highlight the impact of AI through a value-sensitive lens.

Responsible AI UK

The ART-I project is proudly funded by the UKRI funded Responsible AI UK (RAi UK) programme. RAi UK supports projects that deliver world-leading best practices for how to design, evaluate, regulate, and operate AI-systems in ways that benefit people, society, and the nation.

Workpackages and Research Questions

This section will be updated with the ongoing progress in our five distinct work packages. In its essence, the ART-I project aims to answer the following three research questions:

  1. What stories do academic and creative communities, focusing on visual art, tell about AI?
  2. What values underpin these narratives?
  3. How can understanding the values in narratives about AI create opportunities for novel forms of art and creativity?


Keep your eyes open

This section will be updated throughout the course of the project.
